Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'd definitely like for my new blog to be the most epic blog on the blogosphere. But reality smacks me in the face and I know that wont be true. But I enjoy writing and I enjoy touching the lives of the few people that do read what I have on my mind.

This blog is kind of a new project from an older blog I had here on blogger. I just was not jiving with the name completely and decided I wanted a change.

I'd love to get out there and e-socialize as much as I can to build a greater fan base. I may attempt to do so if time permits. So on that note, let's start this blog off the right way and make it epic the only way I know how... with epic music!

Epicon (Hybrid) - IMMEDIATE MUSIC

1 comment:

The Pajama Pundit said...

Well well well... breaking with the old and starting anew I see.

Best wishes on the new venture and I have re-bookmarked the new url. I will also adjust my blogroll to reflect your changes.

Oh, and keep a eye out for me on AIM.