His case a couple of months ago was thrown out of court but was given the opportunity to rewrite his lawsuit to make it a little more believable to achieve his ultimate goal.
Savage has lost about $1 million in advertisements since CAIR has decided to boycott his show and attempt to get him to lose sponsorship. Their reasoning for doing so is because of Savages hateful speeches about the Quran being a hateful story and a story of slavery and his negative comments about Islam.
He recently gave up his fight and his lawyer has given up as well in fear of safety for his client. What exactly that means I'll leave to your imagination.
Quite frankly, this writers opinon on the situation is... KEEP fighting Savage. I know you're far too colorful for your own good but that doesn't mean you're not right most of the time. A lot of Americans, even those who are soft spoken or hiding in the shadows, are 100% behind you and wish you to push on.
"He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat" - Napolean Bonaparte
Every intelligent American in this country knows that we have extremists living within our own borders. With borders as open as ours, we would be foolish to think otherwise. If we can't fight fire with fire then we need to fight fire with the law.
Source: SF Gate
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