I've recently been studying a lot of physics, theoretical physics and quantum mechanics. I'm of course by no means a physicist or anything of that sort. Not to say I cannot be one if I worked for it. I'm a very intelligent individual and I love science of all forms.
The most recent of my studies has been on The String Theory. I'm a little embarrassed to say, for any physicists reading this (which I highly doubt - haha), that I've never heard of the string theory before. I'm sure that may not come to a shock since it's still in theory form and a lot of people needed decades to get warmed up to the idea. Although I'm finding it highly fascinating.
so you may be asking yourselves, "WHAT are you talking about Omni Blogger?". Well let me break it down the best that I can.
In the last remaining years of Albert Einstein's life he made it his life mission to combine the four fundamentals of the universe into one theory which are as follows: Einsteins Theory of Relativity (or simply Gravity), Strong Nuclear Force (or Strong Force), Weak Nuclear Force (or Weak Force) and Electromagnetism (EM - or known as Electricity and Magnetism)
Unfortunately Albert Einstein was unable to combine his Theory of Relativity with the three other fundamental forces of nature, Weak Force, Strong Force and EM.
Why does that matter you might ask? who really cares? Gee - you ask a lot of questions! Well physicist use these 4 fundamentals to answer questions about our universe and what it's really like. If you can tie all 4 into one working theory instead of two separate ones then you can answer even more questions about the universe that maybe you didn't know. The possibilities could be endless for our space travel.
Well to get to the meat and potatoes of my post, it has believed that the String Theory is the answer that Albert Einstein was looking for. Strings are smaller than atoms and there are an infinite number of them in our universe, vibrating and giving characteristics to everything in this universe. They are so small that if you took an atom and increased the size of that atom to the size of our solar system, a string would be the size of a tree on Earth. It's that small!
The resource I've been using has also given me the best explanation I've ever heard regarding the four dimensions of our universe (yes, there are most likely or most definitely more but for hundreds of years there were thought to be only four). To really visualize the four dimensions of the universe we should place it in terms we can understand.
If you have a meeting on Jones Street and Brookes Avenue on the 3rd floor at 2pm you can easily understand the four dimensions. Jones street, running front and back is the first dimension. Brookes Avenue running left to right is the second dimension. The 3rd floor, running up and down is the 3rd dimension which gives us our three spatial dimensions. And then of course the time, 2pm which is our temporal dimension.

If any of you have watched the movie Stargate and you can remember them needing three points to draw up a destination and a fourth point for a point of origin, it sort of works like that. Or you can look at the image to the side to see what 3-Dimensional space looks like.
I hope you find this sort of thing interesting and are willing to look into it more yourself. There are infinite amounts of information on the internet and I recommend you check into it. Enjoy
Resource: PBS
1 comment:
so how odd is this, Ryan has been wanting someone who he can talk quantum mechanics with. So I also have been (attempting) to study it. Thanks for the help
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