Christopher Scott Emmett was put to death by the state of Virginia tonight, he was 36 years old. Now this doesn't sound like much of a story so far, but just you wait.
In 2001, Mr. Emmett was convited of killing his co-worker with a brass lamp so he could steal his money and buy crack cocaine with it. I am 100% against what this man has done. I do not agree with it by any means. I don't condone murder, drugs or theft.
But what makes me think, "Hey, that's pretty harsh" is the fact that this man being put to death for this crime. This may sound weird coming from me from those who know me. Everyone knows that I'm a conservative, I'm for capital punishment, I'm by no means a liberal, hippie tree hugger. But even to me this punishment doesn't feel like it fit the crime. Hell, I even think life in prison would be too extreme for this crime.
EVERYONE has their addictions and vices. Unfortunately some are addicted to drugs. Everyone can change. I'm sure we all know or knew someone who is on drugs at one point in our lives and can attest to this. What Mr. Emmett did was wrong and I feel bad for the victims family. There are just far worse crimes and criminals out there who should get the death penalty and don't.
My eyebrow is definitely lifted when it comes to Virginia and asking "Why?"
story: CNN
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