With the highly anticipated sequel to Christopher Nolan's 'Batman Begins', comes an even darker movie. Many blog writers and movie experts writing about this movie, which comes out tomorrow, mainly focus their titles based off the movies name or from the hero himself Batman. This writer is focusing on the true star of the film... The late Heath Ledger who played the Joker. It really takes a tremendous actor to outshine the hero of a movie.
One review paints a haunting description of the joker that is definitely worth sharing.
Heath Ledger's mesmerizing, scary-funny performance begins with the creepiness of his image: the greasy long hair, the makeup that looks as if he'd drawn it on with crayons, then messed it with tears. That ghostly rotting paint job covers his scarred smile (explained by a backstory that gives you the willies, even if he just made it up), and the disturbing thing is that when Ledger's Joker talks, with those ''Ehhh, what's up, Doc?'' vowels that make him sound like Al Franken. crossed with a nerdish pedophile, you realize that the icky sloshing sound you hear is him sucking on his cheeks; he uses his attachment to those scars to fuel his sadistic (and masochistic) whims.
link: Entertainment Weekly
A near impossible task to out shine the great performance from Jack Nicholson's 1989 performance in Tim Burton's 'Batman', Heath Ledger lives up to expectations and then some.
Why so serious? has fans craving for more.
This is definitely another winner from Legendary Pictures. The guys who brought you '300', 'Batman Begins', 'We Are Marshall' and more...
I look forward to just about every movie these guys bring. A+
I'm surprised you like it. You know. With all of the torture going on. Or how about the phone tapping?
I guess maybe you didn't catch the pro-guantanamo or pro-patriot act messages that were thrown in?
Sam, welcome! I'm glad you were able to stop by, peruse my new blog and leave your thoughts.
Unfortunately it had to be one I didn't agree with but I welcome all thoughts - so I thank you.
As to your claims as to why this movie should be bad, I'm afraid to say I couldn't disagree more.
Do I deep down feel that there may be government involvement in our entertainment to get us "used" to "their" ways of living... most likely.
The first season of '24' definitely got us used to an African-American President and the failed attempt at a woman President in that show I can't even remember with what's her face from that one movie.
Do I over analyze every single scene in life to see how big brother has controlled our very existence? No..
Just for future reference please leave the aggressive conspiracy theories at the door. I value all comments, whether negative or positive but something of this nature is not only aggressive in nature but focused towards me like I'm somehow less intelligent and less aware in life and how I need to be on your level of consciousness. That couldn't be further from the truth.
The meat and potatoes of it were, this was a great movie from a great superhero and supervillain that has been apart of our lives for decades. It should be celebrated as such. Not as an act of conspiracy that King George is destroying our country and the world in a pitch to form one world government.
I took a gander at your blog and love the layout and I'm highly looking forward to perusing your posts and leaving my thoughts if welcomed.
Take care and stop by often!
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