Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Why can't we connect the dots?

It seems that the M.O. (Modus Operandi) for Vice President Dick Cheney is at it again. A recent story was released about where VP Cheney was so determined to start a war with Iran that he wanted to build PT cruiser boats like the ones Iran use and pack them full of Navy SEALs and have them attack American vessels that pass through the Strait of Hormuz just like an event.

So why can't we look beyond this and maybe, as a collective, start to realize that September 11th could have been staged? For anyone who isn't a "conspiracy theorist" you have to see some major holes in the story. It happened before, in the Gulf of Tonkin near Vietnam which was the deciding factor to go
that was similar a few months ago.into Vietnam.

Like what? No plane wreckage found near the Pentagon. The size of the initial hole on the side of the pentagon were not the size of a 747 that was supposedly crashed into it. There have been Hundreds of hours of the same footage being replayed over and over with the Twin Towers being hit by planes, but none of the footages that prove a plane hit the pentagon have been released. It goes on and on.

Look, I'm by no means a conspiracy theorist. But I do look at the facts and make my best educational guess. A lot of things don't add up.

So what if we did stage the 9/11 attacks? Or prep for the attacks or what if we just let them happen? It amazes me that we can impeach Clinton for a B.J. but we won't dare impeach Clinton or Cheney for lying to the American Public and staging attacks against their own people.

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